Update 2021-02: the book was published by Apress as "Programming Algorithms in Lisp".
Reader reviews:
Update 2020-08: the book isn't currently available for download. It will be soon published by Apress under the title "Programming Algorithms in Lisp".
The book "Programming Algorithms (A comprehensive guide to writing efficient programs with examples in Lisp)" is intended as an introduction to both algorithmic development and Common Lisp. It is more than 360 pages long in a standard technical book format, with over 100k words. The table of contents lists more 100 topics that cover the following areas:
There is a lot of books on algorithms, but I haven't seen any that primarily aims to bridge the gap between the theory and practice. This is one of the key distinctions of "Programming Algorithms". It is definitely not the best exposition of the theoretical ideas, but I hope that, instead, it builds sufficient understanding and skill, for the common developer, to start writing efficient algorithmic programs.
Here's a couple of reviews from the readers:
Greetings from the far away city of Lima, Peru!
I loved this part: "Only losers don’t comment their code, and comments will be used extensively"
Thank you so much for putting this comprehensive collection of highly important data structures, i'm already recommending this to two of my developers, which I hope i'll induce into my Lisp addiction.
--Flavio Egoavil
Massively impressive book you've written! I've been a Lisp programmer for a long time and truly appreciate the work put in here. Making Lisp accessible for more people in relation to practical algorithms is very hard to do. But you truly made it. You'll definitely end up in the gallery of great and modern Lisp contributions like "Land of Lisp" and "Let Over Lambda". Totally agree with your path to focus on practical algorithmic thinking with Lisp and not messing it up with macros, oop and other advanced concepts.
--Lars Hård
As an ebook, it has been downloaded more than 1300 times as of May 23, 2020. Yet, for those interested in the dead-tree copy, it is also available. To obtain it, you'll have to write me to vseloved@gmail.com. I'll send you an invoice through PayPal and then send the book via the Ukrainian postal service. The price is $35 ($20 for me, $12-13 for shipping and $2 Paypal fees).If you want the book to be signed, indicate that in the letter.
More than 30 people have already ordered as of May 23, 2020.
Here is a short demonstration of the book's look and feel:
And this is a map of the global readership. The book was already shipped to Europe, Asia, North and South Americas, and even Australia. Waiting only for Africa and Antarcica to join the party :)
Enjoy the book and, as they say in Lisp land, happy hacking! Also, if you happen to like the book, please, share it with others... 🙏